品牌名称:yves saint laurent伊夫·圣·洛朗
<a href="http://www.yslonline.com/" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#003366>http://www.yslonline.com</FONT></A>
(1)类型:高级时装(2)创始人:yves saint laurent伊夫·圣·洛朗(3)注册地:
创始人yves saint laurent伊夫·圣·洛朗1936年生于阿尔及利亚,21岁时任全球最有声望的迪奥时装公司的首席设计师,但是好景不长,由于迪奥的老顾客们认为伊夫-圣洛朗过于激进,1960年他被炒了鱿鱼。1962年在巴黎建立自己的公司。圣·洛朗的设计既前卫又古典,模特不戴胸罩展示薄透时装正是他开的先声。圣·洛朗擅于调整人体体型的缺陷,常将艺术、文化等多元因素融于服装设计中,汲取敏锐而丰富的灵感,自始至终力求高级女装如艺术品般地完美。圣·洛朗的旗舰产品是高级时装,服务对象是全球仅几千名的富豪们,用料奢华,加工讲究,价格昂贵,是常人所难以接受的。
(1)类型:成衣(2)创始人:sonia rykiel索尼亚·里基尔(3)注册地:巴黎(4)设计师:sonia rykiel索尼亚·里基尔(5)品类:针织女装(6)联系方法:
sonia rykiel 175 bd saint germain 75006 paristél.:, rue du faubourg saint honorè75008 parist. 33(0)1 42 65 20 81
品牌名称:Dolce & Gabbana (D&G)
品牌档案:operative since 1985, the dolce & gabbana brand is today one of the leading international companies in the clothing and luxury goods sector. at 31 march 2003, the close of the fiscal year, dolce & gabbana was able to boast a staff of 1,531 people, two production factories and 59 direct sales points as well as consolidated links with top shops and partment stores in over 80 countries around the world. through the two dolce & gabbana and d&g dolce & gabbana brands, the group creates, produces and distributes top-end clothing, knitwear, leather garments, footwear and accessories. more specifically with gards the dolce & gabbana brand, the company has direct control of the entire value chain. furthermore, the group has exclusive rights to the brands used for the dolce & gabbana and d&g dolce & gabbana lines in perfume and glasses, and for d&g dolce & gabbana clothing and watches. the oduction and distribution of these lines is entrusted to licensee partners. the last fiscal year saw a 49.5% growth in the consolidated eld, equal to 475 million euros. in the same period, the operative yield, equal to 72.1 million euros, increased by 59.6% and the net profit rose from 23.3 to 41.4 million euros, with an increase of 78.2%. from the outset, the two founders domenico dolce and stefano gabbana have been the creative source of the dolce & gabbana and d&g dolce & gabbana style, as well as orchestrators of the intense and planned growth of the group.
发展历程:1982the stylist domenico dolce and stefano gabbana open their first studio 1985 octoberdebut of the dolce & gabbana brand with their first show at milano collezioni, in the new talents section. 1986 marchpresentation of the first in-house produced collection and "real women" fashion show. 1987 marchpresentation of the first knitwear collection. 1987 augustopening of the new showroom in via santa cecilia, 7 milan. 1988 octoberready-to-wear production agreement with dolce saverio, the clothing firm owned by domenico dolce''s family based in legnano, near milan. 1989 aprilfirst women''s wear fashion show in tokyo.
</P> 作者: bgs 时间: 2005-6-28 08:57
the marciano brothers were raised in the south of france, a region that cultivated a passionate understanding of french design and the essence of style. combining a love of the american west with a european sensibility they created guess?, inc.
during the 1970s, clothing design had little or no direction. people felt denim was dated and jeans were hardly considered a fashion statement. the marciano brothers would change that forever. their designs were timeless, sensuous, strong and chic. the guess? approach was fresh and set the standard for the future of denim.
initially, retailers greeted guess? with skepticism. buyers weren''t interested in denim; but the brothers infallible instincts and persistence prevailed. their 3-zip marilyn jean was sexy, with a unique style and attitude. bloomingdale''s finally agreed to sell two dozen pairs of the 3-zip marilyn jean as a favor to the marciano brothers. within hours, the entire stock was sold out.
today, guess? is one of the most widely recognized brands in the world. known for quality, trendsetting style, and marketing creativity, the company designs and markets a leading lifestyle collection of casual apparel and accessories for women, men, children, and babies.
guess? continues to be guided by two of the marciano brothers: maurice and paul. co-chairman and co-chief 执行utive officer, maurice marciano, has overseen the company''s design direction and led its spirited and significant expansion since 1982. co-chairman and co-chief 执行utive officer, paul marciano, is credited with the vision behind the guess? image and is responsible for creating some of the most innovative and ground-breaking images in the history of advertising.
as it progresses into the 21st century, guess? continues to challenge its already high standards to remain a driving artistic force in the world of fashion.
<>品牌名称:emporio armani
以"老鹰"为标志的emporio armani男女装是giorgio armani的二线品牌。emporio的意大利语意思是指百货公司,即"armani百货公司".是非常成功的二线品牌.emporio armani(简称e.a)是giorgio armani(简称g.a)的副牌中,最成熟也最受欢迎的系列。它不但充满年轻活力的气息、色彩明亮灿烂、款式又流行感十足、最重要的是,它仍保有着g.a的幽雅和自信,而价格,却比g.a便宜许多。e.a的男装系列以年轻新贵为主要客层,款式设计以正式中带休闲为风格。而女装系列则优雅、时尚流行感为设计重点。
</P><>品牌名称:hugo boss
hugo boss在国际男装市场上占有举足轻重的地位,这一点从其行销全世界80多个国家的通路即可得到有力的证明。不鼓吹设计师风格的boss,完全以强力放送阳刚味十足的广告形象,传达一种大众化的男性服装风格。这个崛起于上世纪70年代的德国品牌,不论设计或形象都非常男性化,而且是那种不化妆,也不戴多余的首饰,很注重社会认同的男性形象。
此品牌在1923年由hugo boss创建,以生产工作服、防水套装、雨衣和制服起家,一直到1972年才正式涉足时装界。boss男装有很完备的系列商品,是许多中高级主管心目中的标准典范。并且,在品质和做工上,维持欧洲最大男装生产商的一流水准。
hugo boss品牌分为boss hugo boss、hugo hugo boss、baldessarini hugo boss三个品牌营销。boss hugo boss仍是公司的核心品牌,以上班族套装为主。hugo hugo boss则特别为潮流触角敏锐的男士而设计。baldessarinil hugo boss以品味超凡,要求严谨的男士为对象。
波士品牌的创始人胡戈波士(hugo boss)1923年在德国梅青根注册了“hugo boss”这一品牌,开始主要生产工作服装及制服。1948年推出男装和童装系列。60年代开始推出高级成衣系列,当时该品牌的决策者们从自己喜爱的中等价位的皮尔卡丹(pierre cardin)成衣中得到启发,从德国进而至欧洲市场中找到波士的市场定位,针对白领中产阶级,设计生产小批量、高品质、高档次而价格适中的服装并很快就获得成功,波士品牌随之走向世界。今天波士的形象与职业白领阶层联系在一起,这大概是20年代时主要生产工作服的波士在创业之初始料不及的。
在经营策略上,针对旗下各品牌的特点,其销售点亦有区别。boss hugo boss主要在高素质的男装零售店发售;hugo hugo boss的发售是一些时尚的服装训;baldessarini hugo boss则以高级豪华的男装店铺为销售点。在德国市场,它们会以最快速度从一些不适合于波士最新流行形象的零售商(店)里撤出来,宁可遭受损失亦不愿使品牌降级,这个策略目前已被普遍成功地应用。